Everyone deserves to live the S.P.A. Life
“Spas are places devoted to overall well-being through a variety of professional services that encourage the renewal of mind, body, and spirit.”— ISPA (International Spa Association)
Doesn’t this sound great?! I think everyone deserves to experience such a place!
The trouble is, too many hard-working people are priced out of the very professional spa services they could truly use.
I’m not faulting spas—they’re places that provide professional and therapeutic services. But, I am faulting the wealthy who have, for centuries, hoarded spas experiences for themselves and made them exclusive…until now.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: There are many spa experiences that you can create for yourself that are free—or very nearly. I call it living the S.P.A. Life. Let me show you how!

“Living the S.P.A. Life is about
transforming your everyday experiences
into spa experiences - for free, or very nearly.”
My story
A few years ago, I was suffering from a significant low period of inertia, possibly even from depression. I’d start a fitness effort, diet, exercise—whatever, only to quit within 1 or 2 days. I just had no inspiration and I couldn’t afford to join anything to help me get it.
One morning I was thinking about all of the things I would like do to make myself feel better when it hit me: They were just like experiences usually offered by spas. And then I thought: What if I just pretended I was at a spa?
So, I googled famous destination spas and took notes on their daily activities. Then, I created my own “spa day” experience. I unplugged from the news. I played soothing “spa” music. I meditated. I drank a lot of water. I made my meals from fresh food. I took an Epsom salts bath with a bag of peppermint tea in it. I went to bed early.
It worked like magic!
Just imagining being at a spa had a restorative and uplifting effect!
I realized that most of the things I did were not that different from my same-old daily routine, I just reframed them as a spa experience.
And I also realized:
· All of the things I did to create my spa experiences were free—or very nearly.
· I didn’t have to stop living this way once my “spa day” was over. I could enjoy spa experiences every day.
· I wanted to share this with others who also work hard, don’t have a disposable income to speak of, and who could use the kind of body, mind, and spirit renewal a spa experience provides.
The S.P.A. Life™ was born!
I truly believe that the S.P.A. Life should be for everyone, not just the wealthy. And for men, not just for women. And for children, not just adults. Sano Por Amasso! Health and well-being for everyone!
What follows is a frothy mix of curated ideas from the world wide web, original reviews, and personal thoughts about spa experiences you can create for yourself to restore your body, mind, and spirit—and all for practically nothing.
Come join me and create the S.P.A. Life for yourself! You deserve it!
What the rating system means
The S.P.A. Life is about living life in a way that your every day experiences are transformed into affordable, do-it-yourself spa experiences that can help restore your sense of well-being in body, mind, and spirit.
To help with this, each post, article, and review on this site is rated according to how much that experience is likely to cost.
Using this rating system, you can quickly browse the articles for ideas, products, services, and information that fit your own S.P.A. Life budget.
COPPER Spa experiences that cost from $0 to $25.
SILVER Spa experiences that cost from $25 to $75.
GOLD Spa experiences that cost from $75 to $150.
Pick one day out of a week or out of a month—whatever works for you. Make it a regular date that you can keep and never break. And rest your body and feed your soul; nay, pamper them!